Happy Piggies Make Delicious Pork

Twice a year we will be raising heritage pigs.
Check out this link for details about what pigs we are raising or have raised. 

Why Heritage Breeds?

Heritage breeds are prized for juiciness, flavor and tenderness. The meat is pink-hued and heavily marbled. High fat content makes heritage pork suitable for long cooking and high-temperature cooking. Heritage pork is prized by top chefs, 5 star restaurants and knowledgeable consumers. Many Americans have only experienced pork from CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation) raised pigs. Big Agriculture engineered new pig breeds that fit the factory farm model. Lower in fat but tasteless and tough these new industrial breeds could not live in a pig’s natural environment. CAFO raised pigs with the heavy use of antibiotics and growth hormones has allowed for confinement and consolidation of the industry into operations that have become huge, cruel and present waste hazards to the environment. (-Rain Crow Ranch)

Interested in heritage breed pork?

We plan to raise pigs at least once a year (4 pigs at a time). Currently, our friends, neighbors and family members get first dibs on the ability to buy a pig and then put some fresh pork in their freezer – but select here to email us and learn more about how this works if you are interested.

photo 3This meat is really not about a cost savings from conventionally raised animals. This is about being truly interested in sourcing your food. While we do realize an overall cost-savings for the food we are raising for our family, we care deeply if our animals are healthy and led a good life. Our animals have access to pasture and fresh air and are well taken care of.

For those new to the idea, we do try and help guide and explain the process. It is our hope to continue both raising and sharing these animals for years to come. We also know others who are raising animals in our area for meat – and are glad to make connections for you, if we can’t help. 

An Overview of the Process

Once you decide you want to buy a pig and/or your hog is ready to be slaughtered, you can expect the typical hanging weight of one of these whole hogs to weigh around #200-#250. 

The Butcher

When a caracas arrives at the butcher, you would arrange with them how you would like your meat processed. (Do you want sausage/ham/bacon? How thick do you want your chops and bacon?) Typically you can expect a 2-3 week turn around for processing.

Processing Costs

Aside the costs with raising the pig, slaughter and delivery to the butcher, you need to calculate the costs of the butcher. Typically the butcher’s costs for processing (cut and wrapping) range from ¢.50-¢.60/lb. Curing usually around $1/lb. The actual weight of the delivered meat product will likely be 65-70% of the hanging weight from the butcher discarding bones and fat and please keep in mind these costs can vary by butcher. 

More information:

* A recent article in the Oregonian here about buying whole/half hogs.